OpenSite Designer Help

White Space Management for Annotations

White Space Management allows the values of the annotation field to remain updatable even when the text retains its modified location. To manage the white spaces, you need to select a new property to the text called "Manage Modification". When selecting the property set it to True or False to manage the annotation text.

  • If set to False- It will remain unchanged.
  • If set to True- It becomes managed text.

Manage Modification is only applicable for Text, Alignment, and Profile linear annotations. It does not apply to cells, lines, terminators, leaders, etc.

To activate the Manage Modification feature set the property to True and annotate elements (should make it Civil Annotation Text instead of Annotation Cell).

You can observe that the text has a new location property "Relocation Management" with three options Default, Relative, and Fixed.

The relocation management option is described below.

  1. Default - In this option text remains as selected.
  2. Relative - In this option text remains relative to the original position or anchor point.
  3. Fixed - In this option text will remain fixed to where it is placed.

It is used to force override annotation modification. The civil variable used to Manage Modification is given below.

Configuration of Annotation Variable

The annotation variable is given below.